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Ontario’s Home Renovation Savings Program

Homeowner Briefing

The year has started with a promising announcement from the province. Starting January 28, 2025, the Ontario government will launch the Home Renovation Savings Program as part of a largescale investment in energy efficiency. This program is offering rebates of up to 30% for some critical upgrades many of us and our neighbours are considering.


The program will have two primary streams:

  1. Bundled upgrades that start with a home energy assessment to get rebates for retrofits like insulation, new windows and doors and heat pump water heaters.

  2. Single upgrades that skip the energy assessment for rebates on high-impact technologies—most importantly, heat pumps!


There is still a lot more we need to find out about this program. Home and product eligibility, delivery partners, the number of forms we’re expected to fill out and the wait times for reimbursement will determine how much of a boost this will be. As soon as more details become available, Toronto Home Retrofits will share what it means for homeowners planning to do their own retrofits.

If you have been waiting for an opportunity to start a project, this is it. While we wouldn’t advise getting a home energy assessment before more details are available, preparing for a heat pump would be wise. A successful heat pump purchase takes a bit of research, and we’ve got a short explainer to answer the most common questions we get. Once the program launches and we know how to access funds, there are some great Retrofit Advisors who will be ready to help you with this.


You can read more about the program and join the waitlist for more information here:

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